Table of Contents
I. SDL Guide


About SDL
About SDLdoc
1. The Basics

Initializing SDL
2. Graphics and Video

Introduction to SDL Video
Using OpenGL With SDL
3. Input handling

Handling Joysticks
Handling the Keyboard
4. Examples

Video Examples
Event Examples
Audio Examples
CDROM Examples
Time Examples
II. SDL Reference

5. General

SDL_Init — Initializes SDL
SDL_InitSubSystem — Initialize subsystems
SDL_QuitSubSystem — Shut down a subsystem
SDL_Quit — Shut down SDL
SDL_WasInit — Check which subsystems are initialized
6. Video

SDL_GetVideoSurface — returns a pointer to the current display surface
SDL_GetVideoInfo — returns a pointer to information about the video hardware
SDL_VideoDriverName — Obtain the name of the video driver
SDL_ListModes — Returns a pointer to an array of available screen dimensions for the given format and video flags
SDL_VideoModeOK — Check to see if a particular video mode is supported.
SDL_SetVideoMode — Set up a video mode with the specified width, height and bits-per-pixel.
SDL_UpdateRect — Makes sure the given area is updated on the given screen.
SDL_UpdateRects — Makes sure the given list of rectangles is updated on the given screen.
SDL_Flip — Swaps screen buffers
SDL_SetColors — Sets a portion of the colormap for the given 8-bit surface.
SDL_SetPalette — Sets the colors in the palette of an 8-bit surface.
SDL_SetGamma — Sets the color gamma function for the display
SDL_GetGammaRamp — Gets the color gamma lookup tables for the display
SDL_SetGammaRamp — Sets the color gamma lookup tables for the display
SDL_MapRGB — Map a RGB color value to a pixel format.
SDL_MapRGBA — Map a RGBA color value to a pixel format.
SDL_GetRGB — Get RGB values from a pixel in the specified pixel format.
SDL_GetRGBA — Get RGBA values from a pixel in the specified pixel format.
SDL_CreateRGBSurface — Create an empty SDL_Surface
SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom — Create an SDL_Surface from pixel data
SDL_FreeSurface — Frees (deletes) a SDL_Surface
SDL_LockSurface — Lock a surface for directly access.
SDL_UnlockSurface — Unlocks a previously locked surface.
SDL_LoadBMP — Load a Windows BMP file into an SDL_Surface.
SDL_SaveBMP — Save an SDL_Surface as a Windows BMP file.
SDL_SetColorKey — Sets the color key (transparent pixel) in a blittable surface and RLE acceleration.
SDL_SetAlpha — Adjust the alpha properties of a surface
SDL_SetClipRect — Sets the clipping rectangle for a surface.
SDL_GetClipRect — Gets the clipping rectangle for a surface.
SDL_ConvertSurface — Converts a surface to the same format as another surface.
SDL_BlitSurface — This performs a fast blit from the source surface to the destination surface.
SDL_FillRect — This function performs a fast fill of the given rectangle with some color
SDL_DisplayFormat — Convert a surface to the display format
SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha — Convert a surface to the display format
SDL_WarpMouse — Set the position of the mouse cursor.
SDL_CreateCursor — Creates a new mouse cursor.
SDL_FreeCursor — Frees a cursor created with SDL_CreateCursor.
SDL_SetCursor — Set the currently active mouse cursor.
SDL_GetCursor — Get the currently active mouse cursor.
SDL_ShowCursor — Toggle whether or not the cursor is shown on the screen.
SDL_GL_LoadLibrary — Specify an OpenGL library
SDL_GL_GetProcAddress — Get the address of a GL function
SDL_GL_GetAttribute — Get the value of a special SDL/OpenGL attribute
SDL_GL_SetAttribute — Set a special SDL/OpenGL attribute
SDL_GL_SwapBuffers — Swap OpenGL framebuffers/Update Display
SDL_CreateYUVOverlay — Create a YUV video overlay
SDL_LockYUVOverlay — Lock an overlay
SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay — Unlock an overlay
SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay — Blit the overlay to the display
SDL_FreeYUVOverlay — Free a YUV video overlay
TSDL_GLAttr — SDL GL Attributes
TSDL_Rect — Defines a rectangular area
TSDL_Color — Format independent color description
TSDL_Palette — Color palette for 8-bit pixel formats
TSDL_PixelFormat — Stores surface format information
TSDL_Surface — Graphical Surface Structure
TSDL_VideoInfo — Video Target information
TSDL_Overlay — YUV video overlay
7. Window Management

SDL_WM_SetCaption — Sets the window tile and icon name.
SDL_WM_GetCaption — Gets the window title and icon name.
SDL_WM_SetIcon — Sets the icon for the display window.
SDL_WM_IconifyWindow — Iconify/Minimise the window
SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen — Toggles fullscreen mode
SDL_WM_GrabInput — Grabs mouse and keyboard input.
8. Events

SDL Event Structures.
Event Functions.
9. Joystick

SDL_NumJoysticks — Count available joysticks.
SDL_JoystickName — Get joystick name.
SDL_JoystickOpen — Opens a joystick for use.
SDL_JoystickOpened — Determine if a joystick has been opened
SDL_JoystickIndex — Get the index of an SDL_Joystick.
SDL_JoystickNumAxes — Get the number of joystick axes
SDL_JoystickNumBalls — Get the number of joystick trackballs
SDL_JoystickNumHats — Get the number of joystick hats
SDL_JoystickNumButtons — Get the number of joysitck buttons
SDL_JoystickUpdate — Updates the state of all joysticks
SDL_JoystickGetAxis — Get the current state of an axis
SDL_JoystickGetHat — Get the current state of a joystick hat
SDL_JoystickGetButton — Get the current state of a given button on a given joystick
SDL_JoystickGetBall — Get relative trackball motion
SDL_JoystickClose — Closes a previously opened joystick
10. Audio

TSDL_AudioSpec — Audio Specification Structure
SDL_OpenAudio — Opens the audio device with the desired parameters.
SDL_PauseAudio — Pauses and unpauses the audio callback processing
SDL_GetAudioStatus — Get the current audio state
SDL_LoadWAV — Load a WAVE file
SDL_FreeWAV — Frees previously opened WAV data
SDL_AudioCVT — Audio Conversion Structure
SDL_BuildAudioCVT — Initializes a SDL_AudioCVT structure for conversion
SDL_ConvertAudio — Convert audio data to a desired audio format.
SDL_MixAudio — Mix audio data
SDL_LockAudio — Lock out the callback function
SDL_UnlockAudio — Unlock the callback function
SDL_CloseAudio — Shuts down audio processing and closes the audio device.
11. CD-ROM

SDL_CDNumDrives — Returns the number of CD-ROM drives on the system.
SDL_CDName — Returns a human-readable, system-dependent identifier for the CD-ROM.
SDL_CDOpen — Opens a CD-ROM drive for access.
SDL_CDStatus — Returns the current status of the given drive.
SDL_CDPlay — Play a CD
SDL_CDPlayTracks — Play the given CD track(s)
SDL_CDPause — Pauses a CDROM
SDL_CDResume — Resumes a CDROM
SDL_CDStop — Stops a CDROM
SDL_CDEject — Ejects a CDROM
SDL_CDClose — Closes a SDL_CD handle
TSDL_CD — CDROM Drive Information
TSDL_CDtrack — CD Track Information Structure
12. Multi-threaded Programming

SDL_CreateThread — Creates a new thread of execution that shares its parent's properties.
SDL_ThreadID — Get the 32-bit thread identifier for the current thread.
SDL_GetThreadID — Get the SDL thread ID of a SDL_Thread
SDL_WaitThread — Wait for a thread to finish.
SDL_KillThread — Gracelessly terminates the thread.
SDL_CreateMutex — Create a mutex
SDL_DestroyMutex — Destroy a mutex
SDL_mutexP — Lock a mutex
SDL_mutexV — Unlock a mutex
SDL_CreateSemaphore — Creates a new semaphore and assigns an initial value to it.
SDL_DestroySemaphore — Destroys a semaphore that was created by SDL_CreateSemaphore.
SDL_SemWait — Lock a semaphore and suspend the thread if the semaphore value is zero.
SDL_SemTryWait — Attempt to lock a semaphore but don't suspend the thread.
SDL_SemWaitTimeout — Lock a semaphore, but only wait up to a specified maximum time.
SDL_SemPost — Unlock a semaphore.
SDL_SemValue — Return the current value of a semaphore.
SDL_CreateCond — Create a condition variable
SDL_DestroyCond — Destroy a condition variable
SDL_CondSignal — Restart a thread wait on a condition variable
SDL_CondBroadcast — Restart all threads waiting on a condition variable
SDL_CondWait — Wait on a condition variable
SDL_CondWaitTimeout — Wait on a condition variable, with timeout
13. Time

SDL_GetTicks — Get the number of milliseconds since the SDL library initialization.
SDL_Delay — Wait a specified number of milliseconds before returning.
SDL_AddTimer — Add a timer which will call a callback after the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed.
SDL_RemoveTimer — Remove a timer which was added with SDL_AddTimer.
SDL_SetTimer — Set a callback to run after the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed.
List of Tables
8-1. SDL Keysym definitions
8-2. SDL modifier definitions
List of Examples
1-1. Initializing SDL
2-1. Initializing the Video Display
2-2. Initializing the Best Video Mode
2-3. Loading and Displaying a BMP File
2-4. getpixel()
2-5. putpixel()
2-6. Using putpixel()
2-7. Initializing SDL with OpenGL
2-8. SDL and OpenGL
3-1. Initializing SDL with Joystick Support
3-2. Querying the Number of Available Joysticks
3-3. Opening a Joystick
3-4. Joystick Axis Events
3-5. More Joystick Axis Events
3-6. Joystick Button Events
3-7. Joystick Ball Events
3-8. Joystick Hat Events
3-9. Querying Joystick Characteristics
3-10. Reading Keyboard Events
3-11. Interpreting Key Event Information
3-12. Proper Game Movement