Sets a portion of the colormap for the given 8-bit surface.
When surface is the surface associated with the current display, the display colormap will be updated with the requested colors. If SDL_HWPALETTE was set in SDL_SetVideoMode flags, SDL_SetColors will always return 1 , and the palette is guaranteed to be set the way you desire, even if the window colormap has to be warped or run under emulation.
The color components of a TSDL_Color structure are 8-bits in size, giving you a total of 2563 =16777216 colors.
Palettized (8-bit) screen surfaces with the SDL_HWPALETTE flag have two palettes, a logical palette that is used for mapping blits to/from the surface and a physical palette (that determines how the hardware will map the colors to the display). SDL_SetColors modifies both palettes (if present), and is equivalent to calling SDL_SetPalette with the flags set to (SDL_LOGPAL or SDL_PHYSPAL) .
If surface is not a palettized surface, this function does nothing, returning 0 . If all of the colors were set as passed to SDL_SetColors , it will return 1. If not all the color entries were set exactly as given, it will return 0, and you should look at the surface palette to determine the actual color palette.
// Create a display surface with a grayscale palette
screen : PSDL_Surface;
colors : array[ 0..255 ] of TSDL_Color;
i : integer;
// Fill colors with color information
for i := 0 to 255 do
colors[ i ].r := i;
colors[ i ].g := i;
colors[ i ].b := i;
// Create display
screen := SDL_SetVideoMode( 640, 480, 8, SDL_HWPALETTE );
if ( screen = nil ) then
MessageBox( 0, PChar( Format( 'Couldn't set 640x480x8 video mode : %s', [SDL_GetError] ) ), 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONHAND );
// Set palette
SDL_SetColors( screen, colors, 0, 256 );